An upcoming singer, starting to make waves, to look out for

The Hindu – march 2018
by Shailaja Khanna

The Patiala Gharana youngster captured the attention of the listeners with his accurate delivery of the pleasing notes of the early night raag.

Times of India – december 2016

One felt convinced that he had the potential to emerge as a significant artist in due course

The Hindu – august 2015
by Kuldeep Kumar, famous music critic

He demonstrated an excellent vocal ability with his dynamic taankari and superb vocal range.

The Bhavan news (London) – may 2015

Samrat is blessed with a soft and mellifluous voice spread over a good range.

DNA Sunday – december 2012

Throughout the concert, his young son Samrat accompanied him. Watching them perform together seemed as if the gap between two generations had been bridged. Samrat appears to share and understand his father’s sensibility completely. There was not a single harsh note, a crude negotiation, or clash of emotions. They preserved their respective spaces with utmost sanctity. Every moment of the concert was marked by a deep sense of grace, melody, and finesse.

The Hindu – march 2003