Music Festival in India, sharing the stage with renowned sitarist Ustad Shahid Parvez Khan"Earlier, young and upcoming Hindustani Classical vocaliste Samrat Pandit, son of the great Patiala Gharana Voclist Pt Jagdish Prasad occupied the stage tu present a delighful "Raga Gorakh Kalyan" it had a Vilanbit in Ektaal and drut in teentaal. He rendedered a brief "Hamir" in Jhap taal. the Drut bandish "Binti Nahin Mane Saiya" was crisp and Samrat was able to reveal his prowess and the classy lineage of Patiala Gharana. His "Badhat", "Bol taan" were fo high order and reflected the superb grooming he had under the able guidance of his late father Pt Jagdish Prasad? Samrat crowned his rendition with the classic immortal thumri "Yaad Piya Ki Aye".